XSL simple stellar population models

[03/04/2022] All the TAR files listed below have been replaced, to fix a small mistake in the wavelength CDELT value in headers of the averages.

Average spectra of cool giants

In the XSL stellar population models, we give extra attention to the cool (Teff < 4000 K) evolved giants. We divide these stars into (O-rich) static giants, O-rich TP-AGB stars and C-rich TP-AGB (‘carbon’) stars. We have used the average spectra of these stars, binned by broad-band colour to incorporate these stars into our stellar population models. You can download these average spectra below. See Verro et al. (2022b) for details.


Average spectra of cool giants are provided as FITS files, each containing the flux column. The wavelength information (log10 sampled, in nm) is provided in the header keywords: CRVAL1, CDELT1, CRPIX1.
wavelength = 10**[(pixel nr - CRPIX1) * CDELT1 + CRVAL1]

The sequence of ‘static’ giant spectra.


Spectra are sorted according to (I−K) (on the left of each spectrum). The number of spectra the average is comprised of is given in the brackets. The spectra have been smoothed to lower resolution for clarity.

The sequence of O-rich TP-AGB spectra.


Sorted according to (I−K). The reddest average spectrum on this sequence, displayed in grey, is not used in the stellar population models due to its extreme SED.

The sequence of C-rich TP-AGB spectra.


Sorted according to (R−H) colours.