
Please cite Chen et al. (2014), when using these data.

Data format

Example XSL DR1 Spectrum
The XSL DR1 spectra span the wavelengths 3000–10200 Å, observed at a resolving power R ≡ λ/∆λ ∼ 10000. The spectra are flux-calibrated and telluric-corrected. The spectra are provided as FITS. The two extensions are:
  1. Flux spectrum: flux density in F_lambda units, in erg/s/cm2/Å.
  2. Error spectrum: same units as Flux.
The wavelength scale of the spectra is in natural logarithmic spacing. To use these spectra in IRAF, which expects base-10 logarithmic wavelength spacing, please divide CRVAL1, CDELT1 and CD1_1 by ln(10)=2.302585092994046.

Information about the objects can be found in the headers of the files.

Important notes:
  1. The spectral types listed in this DR1 release are taken from the literature, not derived from the spectra.
  2. The errors related to the correction for telluric absorption are not included in the error spectrum, and about 10% of the error spectra are erroneous, in the sense that their level is obviously too high by a factor of 10 or more. This will be corrected as soon as possible.
  3. For some stars, the slit-loss correction was not performed, due to a missing wide-slit observation. Please read Table B1 from Chen et al. (2014), for more details.