Table of contents

How to?

Read / plot the XSL DR2 spectra?

The XSL DR2 spectra are single-arm spectra, provided as FITS binary tables, each containing three columns:
  • WAVE: Wavelength [in nm]. As the spectra are rest-framed, the wavelength ranges are spectrum-dependent.
  • FLUX: Flux spectrum [in erg/s/cm2/Å]
  • ERR: Error spectrum: [same units as Flux]
A Python3 script is enclosed to help our users to read and plot [PDF format] all the DR2 stars: plot_xsl_dr2.py. Please read the comments below running the program.
  1. Modules to be installed: Matplotlib, Numpy, astropy.io.fits
  2. Variables to be defined:
    1. path_data: Path for the input XSL DR2 data
    2. path_plot: Path for the output PDF plot
  3. Run the program: python3 plot_xsl_dr2.py

How to query Simbad?

In this example, we will query the following informations:
  1. Star input name: %OBJECT
  2. Coordinates (RA/DEC in J2000): %COO(2;C;;J2000;)
  3. Spectral type: %SP(S)
  4. Gaia DR2 id: %IDLIST(Gaia DR2)
  5. Radial velocity: %RV(rv=V)
  6. Typical fluxes: %FLUXLIST(;N=F;)
Input code Simbad

Star: HD 190390, Coordinates: 20 05 05.4134359171 -11 35 57.896404499, Spectral type: F2II, Gaia DR2 id: Gaia DR2 4190636669164572928, Radial velocity: rv=-12.1, Fluxes: B=6.88;V=6.39;G=6.1946;J=5.011;H=4.635;K=4.563;

How to query Vizier?

  1. Open Vizier: Table of derived atmospheric parameters of the XSL stars (Arentsen 2019)
  2. Select the columns of interest: HNAME, x (XSL_ID), Teff, e_Teff, logg, e_logg, [Fe/H], e_[Fe/H]
  3. Add some constraints to the columns (examples below)
    1. Stars with [Fe/H] < -1.8
    2. Stars with Teff > 10000 K
    3. Stars with 10000 > Teff > 5000 K and logg > 3
  4. Submit your query (button Submit)
  5. The results can be displayed as tables or plots.
  6. The XSL DR2 spectra can be then be filtered and downloaded from the XSL website using the x id, in the form Xiiii (eg X0357 for x = 357), or the HNAME.
Input -- Example a:
Input code Vizier -- case A
Input -- Example b:
Input code Vizier -- case B
Input -- Example c:
Input code Vizier -- case C
Output -- Example a:
Output code Vizier -- case A
Output -- Example b:
Output code Vizier -- case B
Output -- Example c:
Output code Vizier -- case C

Known issues

Filtering issues in Table when using Safari 14.1.2

We recommend to use Chrome or Firefox, before a better solution could be found.

Who to contact?

For questions/comments/suggestions, you can send an email to Anais Gonneau: ag2013@cam.ac.uk